Saturday, August 16, 2014

What is HTML in detail explanation ?

What is HTML?
HTML is the linguafun of web, that use the language that makes it possible for various computer to communicate with each other these computer are maybe in different network in different country, different platform in different operating system. Desktop, Laptop, Mobiles, tablets etc. HTML is the common tongue it what make this possible.
HTML stands for (Hypertext Markup Language) Hypertext refers to the ability the links to the other pages other web resources.
Markup means, it is used to creating pages, formatted pages, text along with images and other resources embedded in page.
HTML originally based on old markup language called SGML (Standard Generalised Markup Language) the most recent version of HTML are no longer are tied to SGML the ability to create hyperlink is the fundamental capability is HTML. This is what makes the web a web. Links can be used for many purpose while, they are revolutionary.
When Tim Burner create HTML in early 19’s. Today’s these functionality is largely taken for granted but without it. We have no web. In the internet would be likely still be a geeky things that most people would never heard of this is actually what makes the web go round. HTML specially and why it’s in widely used in 21 years later.
There are several version of HTML in common use. The good news is all the modern browser support all version of HTML. In fact, they go the great deal of trouble to do so. Legacy HTML support a usually referred as,
·         Quirks Mode and support virtually anything that looks like HTML but, keep in mind. Quirks mode will result the pages that rendered in different browser. So, for consistency result you want to use good clean consist syntax and most current version of HTML. That supported by that target platform.
·         HTML 2.0 was ratify in 1995, it was the first standardise version of HTML. It was design to codify the existing practice was realise an internet RFC in NO. 2854.
·         HTML 3.2 was the first version HTML to be ratify by World Wide Web consortium W3C like HTML is design to formalize the existing best practice. It was ratify in 1997.
·         HTML 4.01 was realised in next year is clean up with some with HTML 4.0. And, 4.01 as the time of this writing is the latest standard version of HTML
·         14 years after the ratification of HTML 4.0 HTML 5 is still in work of progress well it’s not really that simple.
When that W3C was voted to stop working on new version of HTML in 2004. The Mozilla Foundation and Opera Software formed a new group called WHATWG.
·      WHATWG: - The web hypertext Application Technology Working Group. To work on new standard version of HTML meanwhile,
·      W3C favoured XHTML 2.0 intended to draw web development into more standard complied world. Web development community not respond to this effort. And the W3C drops XHTML 2.0 in 2009 and begin working with WHATWG on HTML 5.
·      HTML 5 is the group of technologies of which HTML is just one part these technologies include number of dom or document object model interface. They are typically accessed with JavaScript including web working Geo Location, Drag and drop, offline storage and much-much more.

·      WHATWG and W3C versions of the full HTML Specification and do not always agree and do not having same list of technology and include. But, they do agree on HTML Markup and that’s the part of specification we are concern in this course. This course covers HTML5 and particularly this course is about HTML 5. This is the part of specification that WHATWG and W3C agree and it is supported by latest version of all major browser both desktop and mobile device.  

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